Version v.1.0.0
lecture: Methodology for Vulnerability Research and Exploit Development
Driven by the need for more security researchers, we responsibly contribute to IT security community by developing methodology that can make live easier for existing and new coming security researchers. This means faster discovery of new vulnerabilities that will be disclosed responsibly resulting in higher IT asset security.
Vulnerability researchers are facing new era where actually they can make more money from discovery of new vulnerabilities that makes this job in high demand. An array of publicly available bug bounty programs give opportunity to any researcher with knowledge of used technology to test and find zero days. Many of the activities done during the research are pointing absence of methodology for vulnerability research and exploit development. Trough analysis of activities and looking at the problems that appear during the research procedures, this paper develops methodology that incorporates all elements that a researcher faces in his work and categorising them in five phases. With this methodological approach, researchers can easily orient their activity increasing productivity and decreasing time to achieve their goals. As for existing, this methodology will have more benefit for new security researchers.
m-r Mane Piperevski |