Version v.1.0.0

lecture: Is the hack goodenough?

How far is the hack from the real product.


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“Is the hack good enough?” is just the first question, which can be answered only by understanding for what sort of application do we want to use our hack. This is the story about figuring out the answers to these questions and growing the small hardware hack into a big product through the open-source.

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This talk is dedicated to the Koruza wireless optical system and the process of growing the simple hack into the professional product. Several years ago my colleague realized that the world is in need of an affordable free space optical communication system because of big problems with the radio spectrum congestion. This is becoming a greater issue in the big cities, especially because deploying fiber can cost up to 500 EUR/m. It all started as a simple student project, but one “small” hack changed it all. Realizing that we can use the standard optical telecommunication equipment but without the optical cables was something great! A couple years, several prototypes and some research papers later we have a professional telecommunication device ready to ship. I will explain the development process steps we’ve been making in the past few years and how we realized that using open source was the best way of doing stuff.


Day: 2017-09-17
Start time: 12:00
Duration: 01:00
