Version v.1.0.0

workshop: Storytelling in Infosec

A Practical Guide


Why should anyone care about information security? The answer to this question is less obvious than most infosec specialists think. For the average Jane or John Doe as the end user of personal or professional software, information security is something that imposes additional trouble and effort, without any tangible benefit. Thus, better user acceptance and awareness would be one of the most effective ways to improve infosec overall, but one of the hardest to implement.

But how can you raise user awareness? Abstract reasoning will only motivate a tiny fraction of individuals. If we want to successfully change the behaviours of the majority of people, we need to present our case in a more accessible and human way: By telling stories.


Day: 2017-09-16
Start time: 20:00
Duration: 01:00


Concurrent events

Plotting data as music and video in R